Search engines are powerful Internet tools

26/08/2008 01:16

Search engines are powerful Internet tools

Without search engines, we would all be lost. There would no possible way for us to use the Internet and all of its websites if not for search engines. These tools do all the work for us. Instead of having to wade through the muck hoping to find the site we need, search engines bring the sites directly to us. It is nothing short of amazing when you consider how much work search engines do in a short amount of time. Nothing else can stack up in sheer speed and power.

It is easy to take for granted the search engines that are currently in operation. They are always there; ready to provide us with a list of websites that will meet our needs no matter what we are looking for. The technology used to search the web is becoming more advanced at every turn. This is especially true if the search engines want to keep up with their competitors of which there are many.

Keywords are the tools that search engines use to pull the websites that we use. This is the most basic explanation of the technology. Instead of searching through every website every time someone makes a search, most search engines rank individual websites based on the keywords that the site uses. This allows the engine to efficiently bring the information to your screen in a matter of seconds as compared to the years it would take to look at every website there is to view.

Websites that wish to have a high ranking with search engines optimize their site with embedded keywords to bring their site to the front of the pack when those words are typed into a the engine. This is a powerful tool for websites, especially e-commerce sites that need traffic from users to stay in business. The more hits the site receives the better their bottom line. They count on search engine ranking to bring these people to them.

A common practice among Internet users is to only search the first few sites that are brought up in any search. So many search engines offer websites the opportunity to remain on top with a paid inclusion service. This entails the webmaster paying a set fee depending on the amount of times the site is viewed to the search engine to remain at the top for the keywords they have chosen. This requires a lot of work on the part of the site as they need to make a determination of what words best describe their site. These words will be what pave the way for top search engine ranking and the driving of more customers to their site. They must pay for each time their page is displayed for every search that falls into their category of keywords.

Thanks to new stipulations on the part of search engines, websites cannot just list every possible keyword on their site to bring traffic on every subject. This practice is referred to as ‘keyword spamming’ and is generally considered to be as wrong as sending spam email. This gives these sites an unfair advantage as they bring in people with keywords that have no bearing on their site.

Check with your favorite search engine and see where your site ranks in it.

About The Author:
Charles Hopkins is a developer and senior editor for Ezilon Search Engine and Directory. Website: - North American Directory (Submit your website and search The United States and Canadian Websites).

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